Bubble Tea vs Boba (What is The Difference?)

What is the difference between boba and bubble tea

Bubble tea and boba are two popular drinks that are often confused with each other. Even though they both have tea as the main ingredient, there are several differences between the two. In this post, we’ll explore what bubble tea refers to and what those differences are and help you decide which drink is right for you. Let’s get started!

Before we talk about what is the difference between boba and bubble tea?

First thing first.

So, what is the difference between boba and bubble tea?

This is a tricky question because boba and bubble tea have very similar ingredients. We will explore these commonalities and differences in more depth below. Still, the main difference between the two drinks is that bubble tea typically contains tapioca pearls. In contrast, boba tea contains a wider variety of toppings, including tapioca pearls, jelly, pudding, and more.

Now that we know the main difference between boba tea and bubble tea let’s take a closer look at each of these drinks to see what else sets them apart.

What is Bubble Tea?

Bubble tea is a cold, refreshing drink that originated in Taiwan in the 1980s. It is made with tea, milk, and sugar and typically contains tapioca pearls. Bubble tea can be made with either black or green tea, and endless flavour possibilities exist.

What is Boba Tea?

Boba tea, also known as bubble tea, is a sweet, refreshing drink that originated in Taiwan in the 1980s. Boba tea is made with tea, milk, and sugar and typically contains tapioca pearls, jelly, pudding, or other toppings. Boba tea can be made with either black tea or green tea, and there are endless flavor possibilities.

What are the Bubbles in Bubble Tea?
A creamy flavor of bubble tea

Why is Bubble Tea Called Bubble Tea?

Bubble tea got its name from the bubbles that form when the tea is mixed with milk and sugar. These bubbles are created by the interaction between the tea and the milk, and they give the drink a unique texture and flavor. When bubble tea is made with tapioca pearls, the pearls add an additional layer of texture and flavor to the drink.

Why is Boba Called Boba Tea?

Boba tea got its name from the boba, or tapioca pearls, that are often used as a topping. Boba tea is often called bubble tea because of the bubbles that form when the tea is mixed with milk and sugar. These bubbles are created by the interaction between the tea and the milk, and they give the drink a unique texture and flavor. When boba tea is made with tapioca pearls, the pearls add an additional layer of texture and flavor to the drink.

Also read: History of Bubble Tea: 5 Interesting Facts and Statistics

What are the Other Names for Bubble Tea?

Bubble tea is not just ordinary tea; it is a type of tea that has many different names. It’s popular in Taiwan and other Asian countries, but it is also quickly gaining popularity in the Western world. Based on region and country, bubble tea goes by many names, including:

  • Boba tea
  • Boba milk tea
  • Bubble tea
  • Bubble milk tea
  • Pearl milk tea
  • Tapioca tea
  • Tapioca balls
  • Tapioca pearl tea

If any of your friends call bubble tea by one of the names above, you’ll know they are talking about the same delicious drink!

All the above name variations are for bubble tea. Boba is another name for tapioca pearls, a common ingredient in bubble tea.

All of the above-named variations link to the same delicious drink we call bubble tea! No matter what you call it, what your friends call it, or what we call it, bubble tea is delicious!

You don’t need to stress about what to call it. Just enjoy the deliciousness of bubble tea!

Unless you want your friends to think you’re cool and in the know, in which case, you can call it boba tea. 😉

East vs West

There are two main types of bubble tea: East Coast bubble tea and West Coast bubble tea. East Coast bubble tea is typically made with black tea, while West Coast bubble tea is typically made with green tea. East Coast bubble tea is also generally sweeter than West Coast bubble tea.

Usually, East Coast bubble tea is made with black tea, while West Coast bubble tea is made with green tea. This makes it easier to identify the two types of bubble tea. As a generalization, East Coast bubble tea is also generally sweeter than West Coast bubble tea.

Do Flavors Matter?

Yes! Bubble tea comes in many different flavors, and the type of flavor you choose will affect the taste of your drink. For example, if you choose a fruity flavor, your drink will be sweeter than if you choose a herbal flavor. The type of tea you use will also affect the flavor of your drink. If you use black tea, your drink will be more robust and full-flavored than if you use green tea.

Does it matter what kind of tea I use?

Yes, the type of tea you use will affect the flavor of your drink. Black tea will make your drink more robust and full-flavored, while green tea will make it lighter. You can use fruits or syrups to sweeten your tea if you want a sweeter drink.

Bubble Tea vs Boba vs Milk Tea

Bubble tea, boba tea, and milk tea are all different names for the same delicious drink! Bubble tea is made with tea, milk, and tapioca pearls. Boba tea is simply another name for bubble tea. Milk tea is made with tea and milk but does not contain tapioca pearls.

How are Boba Pearls Made?

Tapioca pearls are made from tapioca starch extracted from the cassava root. The tapioca pearls are then cooked in brown sugar syrup to give them their signature chewy texture. Also, these are often soaked in sweet syrup before being added to the tea to get that perfect bubble tea texture.


There you go! We just answered your query: What is the Difference Between Boba and Bubble Tea?

No matter what you call it or what they name it at the bubble tea shop, bubble tea is a delicious and refreshing drink! Bubble tea can be made with different types of tea, milk, and flavors to create a unique beverage. Tapioca pearls are often added to bubble tea to give it a chewy texture. So, give bubble tea a try next time you’re in the mood for something sweet and refreshing!

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